Independence, Missouri

Ozarks-like feel

WinterStone Golf Course opened in 2003 in Independence, Missouri. It is the second phase in a development project that began with a limestone mine. Harlan Limpus, owner of the mining firm Rocca Processing, bought 150 acres of land and opened a mine there in 2000. Limpus then built a golf course on the property to enhance the value to the community in 2003. But not just a golf course, a great golf course, because the wooded setting is truly spectacular with elevation changes, towering trees, lakes and creeks combining to create an Ozarks-like feel. The course was designed by Craig Schreiner Golf Course Architects, a local firm with a national reputation. Come experience WinterStone Golf Course.

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Big Cup

Saturday, April 05

How low can you score with 8" cups? 9AM Shotgun, 4 person scramble. See flyer for more information & pricing. **Please note- we are pre-pay only this year! Your team must be paid in full 7-days prior to the tournament otherwise your spot will be opened to our waitlist.**

Sinko De Putts

Saturday, May 03

Sinko De Putts at WinterStone on May 3rd! 8AM Shotgun, 4 Person Scramble. Dress in theme to get a free drink ticket See flyer for details and pricing.

WinterStone Open

Saturday, May 17

Join us a for a fun 4 person scramble. 8AM Shotgun. See flyer for more information & pricing.

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